Is CBD Addictive?

Is CBD Addictive?

CBD & Addiction

A common concern among people who are interested in using CBD is whether the substance is addictive. You’ll be thankful to know that CBD is not addictive. In fact, the World Health Organization recently published a report that said: “In humans, CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential.” Let’s take a closer look at what makes things addictive and why an addiction to CBD is unlikely.

What Makes Substances Addictive?

A substance’s potential to be addictive depends on how it disrupts the way brain cells send, receive, and process information. Almost every addictive substance will target the dopamine system. Dopamine is usually referred to as the pleasure hormone, and it produces feelings of happiness—even euphoria—when released in the brain. When the dopamine system is overstimulated by certain substances, it sets up a pattern that teaches people to repeat the behavior. And, when the pattern is set, the brain adapts to the dopamine surges and produces less dopamine on its own. This is how people get addicted to those substances: people become compelled to seek the substance again and again for the pleasure it brings, regardless of the consequences.

So Why Isn’t CBD Addictive?

Remember that CBD is extracted from hemp plants and is a naturally occurring, non-psychoactive substance that interacts with our endocannabinoid system. It does not contain THC, which is the psychoactive, addictive component that causes some people to continue using marijuana even when it produces negative effects. On the other hand, because CBD does not stimulate the dopamine reward system, it is not addictive.

You can feel free to use CBD regularly without any side effects or risks of addiction.

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