Nano CBD

Nano CBD

An Introduction to Nano CBD

If you are not yet familiar with CBD, then you may not realize just how beneficial the substance is. CBD is an all-natural botanical found in the hemp plant. Many people associate CBD with marijuana, but the two are vastly different. For one thing, CBD oil and CBD products do not have the THC that marijuana does. THC is the part of the marijuana plant that is responsible for its psychotropic effect—in other words, getting high. However, CBD is not associated with that at all, but it does have some pretty big potential benefits that you should be aware of.

The Psycho-activity of CBD Oil

One of the questions that people have when it comes to CBD oil is whether or not it is psychoactive. However, the term actually is misleading; because psychoactive means that it has psychological effects. CBD oil does have psychological effects, as some of the potential benefits that may come from it are psychological; however, psychoactive is not the same thing as psychotropic. Psychotropic means that a substance gets you high while psychoactive substances may not. CBD products contain no THC whatsoever, so they are not able to alter your state of mind like a drug or make you high.

Understanding Nano CBD

The next big advancement is CBD is Nano CBD. Nano CBD is an exciting step forward because you are able to administer CBD oil much more efficiently and in many different forms. In addition, the bioavailability of CBD oil is greater when you use Nano CBD. The proper name for it is: Nano-Emulsification. This is what happens when you make all-natural CBD into a water-soluble solution. The process amplifies basic CBD and creates a much more potent product.

When it comes to basic CBD consumer products, about 90 percent of the product is wasted because the body is not able to absorb it. The reason for this is simple. Like all phytocannabinoids, CBD particles are around 2000 Nanometers in size. But human cells cannot absorb particles that large with much efficiency. In fact, they don’t even come close. Human cells typically absorb particles of 60 to 80 Nanometers in size. That means that the CBD must be broken down in order for it to be absorbed, and this process ends up wasting most of the CBD ingested.

The difference with Nano CBD is that it is extremely absorbable, much more so than basic CBD. That’s because the CBD molecules are made 100 times smaller and can reach sizes of nearly 16 Nanometers. What this means is that you waste almost nothing of the CBD that you intake.

How Nano CBD is Administered

There are many different ways that Nano CBD can be administered. This is one of the biggest advantages in using it. There are some restrictions with regular CBD as far as how it is administered, but the smaller size means that Nano CBD can be administered in a variety of ways, and if you look around the web, you will notice that many of those solutions are already available. Some of the ways in which Nano CBD can be administered include: transdermal patches, water-soluble powders, sprays, oils, liquids, and more. This means that you may have a better chance of finding a way to administer CBD that you prefer when choosing Nano CBD products.

The Potential of Nano CBD

Finally, you want to understand what the benefits are regarding CBD, and more specifically, Nano CBD. There are actually some pretty significant advantages to using CBD oil or Nano CBD in your life. In addition, the relationship between nanotechnology and bioavailability is not a new concept. The vitamin/supplement industry has been utilizing this technology for a number of years. This is how they are able to create better absorbable and more effective products over time. The research follows the logic that: the smaller a substance is, the easier it is to be absorbed by the cells of the human body.

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