Taking CBD as a Supplement

Taking CBD as a Supplement

Benefits of CBD

CBD is a compound derived from a strain of the cannabis sativa plant known as hemp. While cannabis is commonly associated with marijuana and its psychoactive effects, the effects come from a different compound found in cannabis: THC. CBD, on the other hand, is non-psychoactive and is reported to have many potential benefits.

For example, people who take CBD report that it may support the immune system, as well as supply a variety of potential health benefits. CBD may have additional potential, as well as cause a users to feel more relaxed and calm.

CBD may reduce soreness and tenderness as well as promote overall skin health. While diet and lifestyle play a huge part in body recovery, if someone is eating a healthy diet and getting enough sleep and exercise.

Benefits of Supplements

You might already take a variety of supplements to help get the vitamins and minerals your body needs. For example, people take vitamin C for its antioxidant properties, or calcium, magnesium, and zinc to help with their bone health and for the other potential benefits.

While CBD does contain some antioxidants and vitamins, it should not be considered an alternative to taking your usual supplements. Instead, it could be used in addition to the supplements you already take.

Taking CBD

CBD can come in the forms of several different products, such as gummies, oils, vape pens, and even cosmetic products. If you are interested in the potential benefits of CBD and adding it to your supplement intake, start with a product and amount that you are comfortable with.

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